I am going to use this blog to post tunes that suit models of transverse ocarina I play. These will mostly be the Italian 10-hole type; any tunes for these will also work on an Asian-type 12-hole. I will also post some music specifically intended for the Pacchioni Doppia Semplice double ocarina.
I already have a large collection of music that will work on these instruments, using less than the full range of a C ocarina - my Nine Note Tune Book, in ABC notation. All the tunes I post here will use a larger range than that.
I will post tunes for C, G, F and possibly B flat ocarinas (ocarinas at these pitches are currently easily available). The tunes will be at the original pitch. I don't regard transposed music as very useful for the kind of stuff I play; if you got an ocarina at a pitch other than C, you got it because you wanted to play music in a different pitch range, so get used to reading it that way. Recorder players do that all the time and it doesn't take long to learn.